Sunday, July 13, 2008

birthday boy

It's official. We have a teenager in the house. Tanner's 13th birthday was on Wednesday. I suppose this means he is technically 14 now. :O) Even though his birthday was only one day, it seems he has been celebrating or 2 weeks now. He has been a bit spoiled this year, but he deserves it.
His super cool parents helped him by a PSP and some games for it. He has been wanting one for ever and now he finally has it. He carries it every where. I think it is starting to grow into his hand. On Monday, we wanted to take Colter to the zoo and forced Tanner to go along. He had a good time, but he wanted to eat at Chucky Cheese. More like, he want to play at Chucky Cheese. So we took the boys there and Tanner played all the games while Colter rode the same rides over and over. Afterwards, we stopped at Barnes & Noble, where Tanner then conned Dad into buying him a book.
On Tuesday, aunt Stacy dropped of a card with money and cupcakes, which didn't take long for him to consume. Wednesday morning, I trashed his room by filling it up with balloons, streamers and a birthday sign. His great aunt dropped of a card with more cash. By noon, a card from the step grandparents had arrived, and it was filled with even more cash. I was going to cook Tanner's fav supper of enchilada's, but we started working on the kitchen and it was a mess. Instead, I let him decide where he wanted to eat. He picked pizza from the gas station and we pigged out. After supper, his Grandma Judy & Grandpa Chuck showed up with even more money. Including some from his Great Grandma Billie. They stayed and helped Tanner eat some off his cake and ice cream.
After all this fun, you would think that would be the end of it. Nope. His friend wanted to take him to the boat races in chamberlain for his birthday. So, that is what he is doing this weekend. He should be back sometime today. I am sure this will not be the end of it. We want him to have a party with his buddies, but the two he really wants to be there are out of town for a while. So I am sure sometime in August, we will be celebrating yet again.
Have a great week. Oh yeah. I would also like to wish a Happy Belated Birthday to Tess. She and Tanner share the day. I won't tell your age though!

Kitchen progress

Thought I would throw out a quick update on the kitchen progress. We actually worked on it a couple of days this last week and accomplished a lot. All of the cabinets are now in. Most of the handles are on. Some of the back splash has been installed. And we started working on the floor. I'll probably jinx myself by stating the following. We should be able to finish installing the floor tomorrow. Al said he was going to get my sink in this week. I plan to have the rest of the pulls put on this week.

If these goals are accomplished, all that will remain is the trim & finishing touches. And then organizing my kitchen. And getting rid of the boxes!!!! Yeah!!!

Here are a couple pics of the progress.

The Zoo

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July. Did I mention its one of my favorite days of the year? Well, it is. Everything about it is just great. The fireworks, grilled food, warm weather and a day of fun in the sun. Of all of the holidays, I have the best memories of the 4th.

I can remember waking up early and setting up to start shooting fireworks. Mom wouldn't let us start until after 8am. People could still be sleeping. At exactly 8am, the fireworks would start. We would shoot fireworks all morning then take a break to eat. Dad would grill burgers and hot dogs. After dinner, the fireworks continued. By now, it was time to start getting creative. Just shooting them wasn't as fun. It was time to blow stuff up. Hot wheels, pop cans, roadkill...anything was fair game. After all the destruction, we took another break for supper and waited anxiously for dark to shoot the fun stuff. I always had such a good time. Even the time I almost blew my fingers off and the time my brother's friend started my hair on fire. Good times.

This year we spent the day out at the lake at a friends place. We grilled, shot fireworks, enjoyed a few totties and I relaxed. It was extra special this year because Tanner was here. It has been a few years since he has been home on the 4th. We went all out and got him a ton of fireworks. He had a blast (no pun intended) lighting them all. Colter enjoyed the snaps, but was a little unsure of the smoke bombs. He was a bit frightened by all of the loud fireworks, but seemed fine as long as he could sit in my lap. I brought his playpen so I could lay him down in the house if he got tired, but he was not about to let me leave. So I pushed a love seat over to the window and held him while we watched Al and Tanner shoot off all the fun stuff. Colter and I made it back to town around midnight and Al and Tanner came home shortly after.

I think everyone had a great time. I know Tanner did, and that is really all that mattered. I hope you all had a happy and safe 4th!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tanner's visit

Its late. I have something on my mind. Its bothering me. I have purposely kept my rants of this kind from becoming a post. I don't intend to make it a habit, but I hope putting it out there will help, at least for tonight. So I can get some sleep.

Tanner just came back from a 2 week stay at his moms. He generally stays for a better part of the summer, but this year he didn't want to. We have been telling him its his decision. We don't want to keep him from his mom, but at the same time, if he doesn't want to go, we stand behind him. Its come to a point were I am ready to say no more.

The reason his summer stays are becoming shorter are because of the mental abuse he has to endure while he is there. His step dad is not very nice to him. He does things to deliberately be mean to Tanner. Here is what Tanner told me about his most recent visit.

First night there...All the family are enjoying an ice cream bar. Step dad tells Tanner he doesn't get one. Just because Tanner was clipping his toenails and didn't come immediately when called.

One day, Tanner wanted to go over to a buddies house. 5 year old brother wants to go with and Tanner says no. Next day, Tanner is eating cereal and trying to feed 5 month old sister. He asks his 5 year old brother to hold the bottle until he finishes his cereal. Brother yells down to step dad asking if he has to feed sister. Step dad says no. Tanner asks if he can just hold it until he finishes breakfast. Step dad says no. Brother shouldn't have to help you because you wouldn't take him with you to your friends house.

And the one thing that really burns my bottom.....Tanner has a name when he is there. And its not Tanner. Its retard. Tanner said he was only called by his real name may be 3 times. Step dad got mad because he didn't come right away when called retard. Step dad says you will come when I call your name. And that name is retard.

What does his mom say about all this? Nobody is forcing you to come here.

What do I say about all this? Somebody may just start forcing you to stay here.

To step dad....Your a real big man.