I am having a whirlwind of emotions right now. Mostly excitement. I am afraid I am setting myself up for disappointment. Today, we are going to look at a house. We have been talking about getting a bigger house some day, but I didn't think that we would be getting serious about it so soon. It all started, when out of no where, we had a couple of people ask us if we would be interested in selling our house. We started thinking may be we should at least look and see what is out there. One of them caught our eye, and sounds like it is exactly what we want, but we have yet to see what kind of work it will need. We definitely want a big old fixer upper, but something you can actually live in during the process. Hopefully this will be it, and everything will fall into place.
Please forgive me for rambling on, but I am just so excited. Every room in this house is larger than what we have now. It also has a dining room and a family room, which we do not have. The best part? It has more than one bathroom. I may actually get to have one for myself. Praise the Lord! It has a large yard and good storage for Al's junk. I really hope that the potential we think it may have is there. I guess we will find out tomorrow.
I really do like the house we live in, but it is just way to small for us. We need more space and storage. Now that Tanner is bigger, and so are we, it really gets annoying when we are tripping over each other all the time. I really go mad when I am cooking. I usually have Colter in the kitchen in his highchair. Then Tanner comes along and has to hang out because there is food. Soon Al comes in and wants to talk. And, of course, the dogs have to be where we are, so they join the party too. All of this in a 9 1/2 x 11 kitchen. Every time I have to go to the sink, cupboard, etc, everyone has to play musical chairs, without the chairs. And it is at their own pace. Not the, "run like heck because the food is burning and so are my hands game." It never fails that when I need to use the bathroom, so does someone else. And you ladies know that women who have given birth, do not have much time to waste.
Our house is really not for a family, but rather a young couple starting out, or an older couple whose kids are grown. If we were to move, this new house would give us over 1000 more square feet. I am not sure how I will furnish it with my very limited midget sized furniture. I am sure it will also look pretty bare for a while. Anyone have some furniture they want to get rid of? :o) So much to think about, whew.
If it is not what we are looking for, then I hope something else comes along. If it is, then I guess I will have to throw a huge house warming party!
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
"Move" forward
Deep thoughts by
A mom
3:25 AM
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How exciting! I can relate with the small kitchen. I would LOVE to have a bigger kitchen and another bathroom. Someday we think we'll remodel (in 20 years or so..haha). After we have kids I have a feeling we'll remodel sooner then later! :)
I hope you like the house and like you said if not this one then there is bound to be another one our there!
Have a GREAT day!
Congrats on the possibilty of moving!! You guys have really outgrown your house now.
If you need things to decorate with my mom and I are having a rummage sale May 11-12 so stop by!! :)
If you got a new house, than we could have our own yard vacuuming storage area, and one for the kids. Hallejuah!
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