Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Crazy Days

Why do they call it crazy days? Is it because your crazy if you waste your time going. At least that seems to be the case in our Podunk town. I was impressed that they seemed to have more activities going on then they normally do. "Arts in the Park" was a sad sight. It took all of 10 minutes to walk through. Our community needs to do more. I can remember when that park was packed. Ho-hum.

My sis-n-law, her mom and I were all looking for the same thing. We all want one of those wood signs that you put your names on and hang on your house. Does no one make these anymore? May be it is a well kept secret. I didn't even see any at the Brookings arts festival. If someone knows the secret, please fill me in!!

My brothers clan and his in-laws were camping out at the lake this weekend. They invited Colter and I out for supper. They also invited Bobbie and her clan. Bobbie is a friend of Stacy (sis-n-law) and me. We all worked at the same "Benny's Biffies" of a factory back in the day. Good times. I had a good time. I think Colter did too.

I snapped a few pictures of Colter and my nephew, (his cousin) Chase. Chase is 11 months older than Colter. Colter + Chase + in the future= massive headaches for their moms.

Hey Chase, over here!

Stop touching each other and look over here.

Finally! I guess turtle man will have to do, because this is the best I am going to get.

Friday, July 27, 2007

We've come along way Baby!!

One year ago today was the scariest day of my life. I was 31 weeks pregnant and had been to the Dr two days before for my regular checkup. At my checkup, my blood pressure had been really high and I looked like a swollen tick about to pop. My Dr decide to have me do some labs which consisted of blood work and a 24 hour. I was told no work until the lab results came back.

Me...looking like a tick about to pop. Swollen hands and face. You cannot see my legs in the picture, but trust me when I say then looked like tree stumps....big ones.

I had know idea what a 24 hour was, but I was about to find out. I was informed by the lab that for 24 hours, I had to pee in a "hat" and keep it in a jug. I also had to keep it refrigerated/cool. Yuck! It was 5:00 in the afternoon, and I had to get this back by 6pm the next day, which meant I had to start immediately collecting. Heavens to betsy. This meant since I was about to pee my pants, I would have to hit the public bathroom at the hospital and make a collection and then carry it out and take it home with me. Oh boy. That was really something.

The next 24 hours of collection were great. Not only was I having to make a deposit about every 15 minutes, but the jug then gave me was not nearly big enough. Now what? I decided I would just have to find another collection jug. The following day, I had to drop of my gift at the lab, but I was ordered to keep it cool on my 45 minute drive. Wonderful. Now I have to cart a cooler of pee around the country side with me. I was hoping like heck that I was not pulled over or in a car accident. I was not up for being showered with the stuff and I certainly didn't want to have to explain what was in the cooler.

I made it to the hospital in time to drop of the goods. The bag they give you for transporting is not exactly the most discrete thing, so I brought a better one. It happened to be a birthday bag with handles. When I sat it on the counter at the lab, you'll never guess what I said. Yep, I told them Happy Birthday. I bet they loved my gift.

So after all the fun, I now had to sit by the phone and wait to hear the results. The next day, by late afternoon, I still had not heard anything. Al was going racing lawn mowers, so I decided to go along and watch. It was around 5pm and I was about to jump in the shower and get ready to go. Finally, my phone rang and it was the nurse. She informed me my lab results came back good. I asked her if that meant that I could go back to work and she acted confused. I told her I was ordered off work until my blood work and 24 hour came back. She then realized she did not have the results from the 24 hour and that she would have to call me back.

I waited and waited for her to call back, and finally decided to get in the shower. It was almost 6pm and the lawn mower races would be starting in about a 1/2 hour. Wouldn't you know, while I was in the shower, in bursts Al with my phone and says its the nurse and she needs to talk to you. I jump out of the shower, soap in hair and talk to her. She then tells me that I need to come to the emergency room immediately. I was totally caught off guard, because of the nature of our first conversation. My 24 hour came back with very high protein and I needed to be admitted to be monitored and to see if they needed to take the baby. Now I know I was in shock, but I asked her if I could at least eat first. She told me to eat on the way down. I hung up the phone and was confused by the whole deal. Al asked me what was going on, and I couldn't speak. All that really registered from the conversation with the nurse was that they might have to take my baby. He was not due until Sept 25. They could not do this to me.

We made it to the emergency room and a stupid drunk guy almost feel right on my stomach. Luckily Al blocked him from landing on me. That was a sure fire way to get me to a room immediately. Once there, I was hooked up to all kinds of fun machines. My cousin is a triage nurse in the maternity ward, so she came in and gave it to me straight. It scared the crap out of me, but I was relieved to understand what was going on.

Colter-one year ago today. This is not his good side. He has done better shots.

After a few days stay, I convinced them to let me out a couple of days early. I had strict orders for bed rest and was not to be home alone. (Sorry people.) The next 6 weeks of my life were hell. Every week I had 2 appts, labs, stress test, ultrasounds. I never knew what each appt would bring or if that would be the day. Would my baby be okay? Would he have to be in the nicu? It was very stressful. I was very lucky and thankful to have the support of some great family and friends.
Colter was finally born 3 weeks early and a was very healthy 9lb 9oz-er. I thank god everyday. I also could never thank those who were there for me and helped me out during that time. I also thank all of you for letting me ramble on.

I hope all of your weekends are great and that you are all blessed with a little miracle like mine. Much love & hugs!!

Below is a picture of me now and a short video of Colter now.....crawling! Enjoy!!

Me now

47 lbs down, 18 to go.......

Colter Now

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Who are these people?

I was going through some old photo's last night and I came across some interesting ones. There is this strange guy who keeps showing up in a lot of my photos. He is almost always in the back ground, but once in a while he show up in front. He must have some kind of facial expression disease, because he always has the same look on his face. May be someone out there will know who he is, or have the same problem.

I also came across this one. I think it may be a relative of the odd fellow above. I am beginning to think that they may belong to the "Where's Waldo" Family.

Happy Thursday to ya'll!

Deck in progress

Here are some pictures of the deck progress. Al is hoping to get it done today, but he has some other business to take care of, so he may not be able to finish. I can at least sit on it and use the back door, so that is a huge plus!!!


Work in progress

If your wondering about the two doors, its because they used the house as apartments at one time. You would never know it from the inside though. The only thing that gives it away is the extra door. I kind of like it though, because the boys can keep there dirty stuff in one, and I can have the other. Yeah me!!

It is going to look nice when its done, but there is so much more to do before it looks great. Paint, landscaping, etc. That stuff is going to have to wait until next summer though. I want to get my kitchen and bathroom done, and get the inside painted. So much to do.........

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mr. Independent

This is my independent little man. This is what happens when Mr. Independent wants to feed himself. Unless mommy has applesauce (or something equally as yummy) on her spoon, he is not having it. After all, spoons are for throwing, not eating.

Baby stuff.....its for babies. Its not for 10 month olds, who think they are big boys. Colter is all about the big boy stuff. He wants to walk everywhere, including his favorite... up and down the stairs, eat and drink whatever you have, feed the dogs, (at least I think that is why he stomps on their bowl), read magazines, (well....shred is more like it) and do everything the hard way. If he keeps going at the rate he has been, he will be trying to live on his own by the time he is 2.

Colter started crawling yesterday. He is not that graceful yet, but he is well on his way. By this time next week, I probably wont be able to keep up with him. It is amazing how much he has changed just in the past couple of weeks. Two teeth, figured out how to get into the sitting position, trying to stand up constantly, and now crawling. I guess this means I can not slack as much on the cleaning. Tanner is going to be shocked at how much he has changed when he gets home. I am really bummed that he did not get to witness all of it. I know he did not get to with his other brother. He probably does not care much any how, but it still makes me sad. Hopefully he will be coming home soon!!!!

Changing the subject quickly....they started building my deck yesterday!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Have a super day!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Is it possible? A Deck? A real life Deck?

For those of you who do not know my hubby, I am going to give you a little insight. This is a man who cannot sit still for more than 2 minutes. I am glad I am not married to a couch potato, but good grief. He has always got to be doing something. He is a jack of all trades and has many talents. One of them being auto body. He really enjoys it and he is good at. You can often find him tinkering on things, but he almost always has some sort of auto body project going. It drives me mad, but for some reason, madness keeps me going.

Before we were even thinking of moving, Al had agreed to a new project. He had to finish this before he could get started on the house, so needless to say, not much has been done at home. He finally got to say good bye to his latest project, and he can now work on the his new project, MY HOUSE! I know he is not in love with this kind of work, but he will learn to love it. :o)

Al has stated that he is going to start working on my deck this week and is hoping to complete it. I am excited to get that finished, and I hope he is right. The lumber for the deck was dropped of weeks ago and I am sure it has killed my all ready brown grass. I had high hopes of having most of the downstairs done by the time Colter has his 1st birthday, but I am not so sure. As long as it is half presentable, I will be happy. Heck, I am just happy I can have a party at my house. I can actually invite more than 2 people. :o)

I know you just can't wait to see some pictures. I will have to post some before/after pics. The man that is throwing wood, red in the face and looks mad, will most likely be my hubby.

Have a fantastic Tuesday!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Say hello to my little friend

This is my new little friend. He is a regular visitor at my house. When we moved, I was bummed that I had to leave my little squirrel buddy behind. Now I have a new one!! He has not told me his name yet. May be he will soon.

Colter's 2nd tooth made its presence known yesterday. This past week has been very interesting now that he has figured out how to get into a sitting position. Bed time is not as easy as it used to be. Before I came to work, I checked on him and he was sleeping with his face in the mattress and his knees tucked up under his body. I am not sure how that could be comfy, but it must be. Last night I had to go up to his room at least 10 times to help him lay back down. One of those times, he had somehow managed to make his crib move half way across the room. Hardwood floors, not always the greatest thing. I am starting to think that we may have a dare devil on our hands.

Colter and I don't have much planned for the weekend. My mother-in-law is coming over for supper tonight. That will be nice to have some adult conversation. Its suppose to be hot again and of course I need to get to Sam's for diapers/wipes/formula and etc. Mumble mumble. I have found that going early in the morning is the best. If you can get your shopping done before 11am, and get out of town, you don't get mobbed by people. Hopefully, I will be able to beat the heat home.

Stay cool and have a super weekend!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

"Mmm, who can I sue today?"

I know I can not change the world, gosh darn it. But may be, just may be, my highly intelligent moral thoughts will change someone. Or may be, just push them over the edge. :o) Hey, I'm here to help. It is my moral duty. :o)

I am disturbed by the number of people who are sue happy. People sue for the stupidest things, and win?. Do these people just sit around and contemplate who will be their next victim?

I bet if I jump in front of this greyhound bus and break my leg, I can get lots of money. Not only can I sue the bus company and driver, I can sue the city for this crack in the sidewalk that made me trip. The concrete people for the low quality cement. The salt company that most likely had a hand in the deterioration of the sidewalk. Nike, for not inventing a shoe that has an warning signals to warn of the dangers. They bystander who laughed when I tripped, for the emotional trauma it caused me.

You may even know one of these people. They would be the one that you are afraid to have over to your house for fear they will trip on your sidewalk and sue you. I guess it is just to easy to put the blame elsewhere, while sitting on your lazy bum, being a greedy selfish pig. Get off of your bum, accept responsibility, spread some love and EARN your money! It is much more rewarding.

I could preach until I am blue in the face, but it wouldn't do any good. So I have been thinking, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I am going to sue Johnson & Johnson for stating that their baby wash & shampoo has "no more tears." Tanner will tell you that this is a lie. When I asked how he knew that, he told me that he used some, and then rinsed his hair. While he did this, he left his eyes open and let the soap run in his eyes. It really hurt and caused him to tear. In turn, his highly scientific testing method, made my eyes tear. I think I may have even peed my pants a little. Johnson & Johnson, that is false advertising. You have caused us pain, mental anguish, and financial difficulties. (New undies are spendy.) You must pay!! :o)

Happy Thursday ya'll!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bad host

I am a horrible host! I have not awarded our May & June trivia winners, or should I say winner.

Congratulations Kearin3!

You certainly know your stuff. Please accept the genius of the bi-months award.

You are also the new proud owner of a fabulous new swimming pool. This pool is guaranteed to keep you cool during those hot, muggy, unbearable summer days. No longer, will you have to step out of the shower, only to have sweat rolling off of your head, causing you to wonder why you even showered at all. With this pool, you won't even have to shower anymore. Just jump in, and walla! No more sweat! Its even portable, so you can take it every where.

Bonus!! Man is included. He is a beck and call boy who will fulfill all of your needs. His specialty is fanning and feeding grapes to his master.

Enjoy your prize, and don't forget to share with your friends!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Swingin, Just a swingin

Colter and I had a good weekend. On saturday, we went to arts in the park with my parents. I didn't find anything, but it was nice to get out and spend some time with my family. Plus, they bought me dinner, which is always a bonus. :o)

Since friday, Colter has waved bye bye twice, but I have yet to see it. Why does everyone else always get in on the fun? Pooh! He also FINALLY figured out how to get from laying down to sitting up. I was starting to worry that he may be behind. I guess they all do things in their own time. Now that he has mastered this move, I think crawling could be in our near future. He is also getting braver at his attempts to stand by himself. He is growing so fast! I can't believe that I should all ready be planning for his 1st birthday party. It will be here in no time.

Colter enjoys going on walks, so we go on one as often as possible. On my days off, we go on long ones. Its great to get the exercise. Yesterday on our adventure, we stopped off at a park. I thought it was about time Colter go on his first swing ride. I think he approved...........

Here we go. Hang on!


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Plop plop fizz fizz

I sometimes have to sit back and ask myself, "Why? Why don't you ever learn? Why would you think that with time, things may change?" I have no answer to my question. I can only sit here and shake my head at my foolish self.

I am the most unlucky person in the world. Okay, well may be not the most unlucky, but I am not generally a lucky gal. I could purchase every soda in the store, and I still would not win a free one. I never win anything. I just had another mind blowing realization. Why do I still by lottery tickets on occasion?! Sigh. Just when I was starting to think my luck had changed, I was smacked in the face once again with the truth.

Last night was a good night for Colters bath. Things were going so smooth. I didn't feel like I was having to rush to get things done and I was just enjoying watching him play in the tub. It was so great. My little bathing handsome angel, having a good old time in the tub. Look at that sweet innocent smile on his face.

Mommy: Huh, what was that? Oh you silly boy, you tooted in the tub. And you sure think those bubbles are funny. Mommy does too.
Mommy: Why are you gripping the side of your tub so tight Colter? Your not pooping in the tube are you?
Colter: Big baby smile followed with at giggle.
Mommy: Oh My Gosh, you are. Oh s&!t! What should I do? If I take him out, will he be done, or is he going to crap all over the floor? This is a super dilemma.
Colter: Still smiling.
Mommy: I guess I will give you a minute to finish.
Tub: Hey lady! Aren't you going to help me out here?
Mommy: Oh man! I better you get you out of there. Grabs towel and sets it on the floor. Grabs Colter and sets him on the towel. Looks at the tub. OH THE HORROR!!! How on earth am I going to clean that up?
Tub: I don't know lady, but you better hurry it up.
Mommy: Hurries to clean the tub. It is a pathetic sight. Finally gets it clean and gets new bath ready. Puts Colter in nice clean tub.
Colter: Not very happy with the delay. Is now getting fussy.
Mommy: Darn it, I better hurry and get this bath over with.
Colter: I am going to squirm and make it difficult for you.
Mommy: Finally, after some madness, bath time is done!

I am being punished. I have heard all of the horror stories of poopy in the tub, however, I have never encountered it. I had started letting myself believe that I was going to be the lucky ones who never had to share a horror story of this kind. I was sadly mistaken. Lesson learned? Most likely not. I will once again believe that I am lucky someday, and I will be proven wrong.

I would have shared a picture of our adventures, but I didn't think you all would think it was as cute as the others. Sorry to disappoint! :o)

Have a terror-ific, I mean terrific Thursday!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I am not sure what is up, but for some reason blogger will not let me enter a title. (Mumble Grumble.) I know what you are thinking. It is impossible that it could be an operator error! Shame on you for thinking so! :o)

It was nice to have some time off and spend some time with my husband. With our conflicting work schedules, that is a very rare occurrence. We spent most of our time running around the country side looking for antiques. In particular, a dining room table. We did manage to find one, so that was a bonus. It didn't matter to me one way or the other. I was just glad to have some quality time with my man. I know our current situation will not work forever, if we want to stay married. Hopefully, my schedule will change in a few months.

God sure does work in mysterious ways. He brought me to this job for a reason, and I am so thankful. It has helped me in so many ways and I have gained a great friend. She is a great dispatcher, a wonderful mother, a super friend and and all around honest to goodness genuine good person. Unfortunately, she will be leaving in the fall. I will miss seeing her face in the mornings, but I guess that just means I will have to start stalking her. :o) The good thing about all of this is she is going to be able to spend more time with her family, and hopefully I will too. I am going to let the boss lady know in the morning that I am interested in picking up her hours. I hope she says okay. We will see.

I have some more exciting new. Colter's first tooth finally started coming through on saturday. On Sunday it made its debut. Hopefully that means no more sleepless nights. Hey, a girl can dream can't she?! Speaking of sleepless nights, or days, I am happy to report that we finally broke down and bought a new bed. We have had it for a few weeks, and I am in love. I have been sleeping so much better. I can actually fall asleep on my back and wake up, still on my back. No more tossing and turning because my hips hurt so bad. Thank you Simmons!!

Have a great Tuesday ya'll!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Today is Tanner's 12th Birthday! Hard to believe. I hope he has an awesome day. I wanted to put together a slide show, but I couldn't find the darn cord to my scanner. Wouldn't you know it. If I can find it, I will post a slide show later.

Happy Birthday Tanner!

Happy Birthday to Tess too!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Have a safe and great 4th of July!!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My first pool experience

I am not too sure about this Mom!Okay. I'll give it a minute.
Hey. This is kind of fun!
I look mad, but I am really concentrating on making a big splash.
And here it is!

It stinks in here!

For the past week or so, I keep thinking that I smell funny. Almost like old funky junk. I was starting to think it must be from our new "old" house. I am certain now that it is this place! I only smell it when I am sitting here at work, and only when I am near this desk. What is that old funky smell?! Please say it isn't me!!!!!!