I am not really sure how or where to start this post. I really do not like to do downer posts, but this is weighing heavily on my mind this morning. Last night, while I was napping before work, Tanner had a pretty serious Q & A session with his dad. I know his dad probably gave him some great advice, but I still feel the need to put in my two cents. So this meddling momma will have to bring it up over supper this weekend.
Tanner is apparently being picked on at school by the "cool" kids. He has never really been into athletics, but he will try to play on the school yard with them. The "jocks" are mean to him and tell him that he sucks. He thinks that if he goes out for sports, then may be he will be "cool".
We all know the drill, because we have all been there before. Whether you were one of the "cool" kids, a "nerd", a bada$$ or a floater. We all know what a click is all about. As much as I wish this would end, I know that it never will. I have wondered about Tanner's "social" status at school from time to time, but I do not let it consume me. I know how he feels, and I my heart aches for him. But I absolutely do not want him to try to be something he is not, just so he can fit in. I know right now it will not matter much to him, but I happen to think he is a pretty cool kid. To me, cool is what is on the inside. Not how much your bike cost, how many gadgets you have, or how many sports you can play. If you don't have soul, then what good are those things?
Of course I want my children to have more than I did. We all do. But I do not want my children to be materialistic jerks who only think of themselves and how they can top what so & so has. I want my children to have compassion, integrity, self respect, etc. I would rather have my child be a dork with a heart who is respected, than a self absorbed arrogant a$$.
All of our possessions will not matter one bit when we leave this world. They will be sold off, or given to family. Sure, they will think about you when they spend your money, or bump into your old stuff, but that is about it. What happens when the money & stuff is gone? Will you still be remembered?
Instead of being remembered for what I did or didn't have, I would want to be remembered for the things I did, the lives I touched, the kindness I shared, my wonderful :O) personality and perhaps the awesome chip dip I made.
My dreams for my children are that they have a lot of great qualities to fill there sole, not a lot of possessions to fill there garage. I want them to be happy and live fulfilling lives. I hope that I can instill great values, and give them the confidence they need to be okay with who they are.
I am here to tell those "cool" kids and the world, that my Stepson Tanner is one of the coolest kids in the world. If you can not see that, then you better take a step back and perhaps re-evaluate your life. Because you are truly missing out.
God bless you all,
Momma Bear
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The cool kids
Deep thoughts by
A mom
2:56 AM
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What an awesome post! Like you said, we have all gone through it and we survived! It sure sucked at the time! My heart goes out to Tanner. Finding yourself is a tough, tough thing. All you can do is be there for him! He will prevail as a better person. Unfortuantly it doesn't matter what "group" you fit in, you always have some misery that goes with it. Personally I think being a kid is tough tough tough.
GREAT post Miah!! I'm sorry that Tanner has to go through this. It's really too bad that kids can't accept eachother for who they are. I know it was the same way when I was in school. Like you said...we all went through it and it's something that will never go away.
All you can do is be there for him, listen to him and help him get through these tough times.
Have a great day "Momma Bear" :)!!
I just hate this stuff!! Why do kids need to be this way!
Tanner is one of the COOLEST kids I have ever known. Tanner has a special place in my heart. He is the most kind and well mannered kids I know.
You tell Tanner he DOES NOT need to change for anyone. As hard as that may be he will do just fine.
Kids like that make fun or tease Tanner because they are jealous because Tanner is such a NICE kid and he has a lot going for him. Sports don't mean sqat about a person's personality.
Turn your cheek Tanner!! You are a great kid with great parents!!
I really need to get Natey a shirt that says "Go ahead, be mean to me. However, you need to know that my mother is psycho.
It's so hard to be a bystander when your kids are being treated unfairly. I just want to jump right in and make everyone see how wonderful my kid is, even if they don't think so. But, I then have to remember that she's got to learn to stand up for herself and show them how wonderful she is. My mother tells me this feeling of protectiveness never goes away or gets any easier....Dang! I wish someone had warned me about that. :0)
Wouldn't it be great if we could just go and tell those kids what life is all about and they would listen? I feel for Tanner and hope that he has the strength and courage to be himself without too much doubt about who he is. He is a GREAT kid and nobody should make him feel otherwise. Being a kid is hard, but being true to yourself is even harder. Keep up with the good parenting Miah and Al, stability is crucial.
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