Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The tree

A couple of weeks ago, Tanner received a black hills spruce from school. He wanted to plant it right away, but since we will be moving soon, I told him we should wait and plant it at the new house. He informed me that it could be kept in the fridge for a couple weeks. I assured him, that we would get it planted in a pot soon, and replant it once we move.

My Tanner. He has a great memory. Rest assured, he will not let you forget certain things. Just a warning though. He has a brain disease called memberwhatiwanna. The Dr says he can only remember things that are exciting for him. Unfortunately, he may never be able to remember things that I tell him to do. Especially if it is something one may associate with a chore. The Dr also said not to worry about him, because it will cause me more anxiety than it will Tanner. It may even result in me having headaches, for which he told me to take two aspirin, and not to call him in the morning. :o)

That being said, on Monday evening, Tanner informed me that his tree had been in the fridge for two weeks and that we needed to get it planted. Okay Tanner. I will try to remember to stop and pick up some potting soil tomorrow so we can get it done. He thought may be it would be a good idea for me to put a note on the door so I wouldn't forget. I thought that may be a little too extreme. I did remember, and I knew I better go get the soil, or I would in trouble. I ran and got some, dropped it off, and then went to pick up Colter. The second I got back and walked in the door, Tanner was laying down the law. I was being interrogated.

During my interrogation, I was thinking to myself why is this taking place?. I had just stood outside talking to him for 10 minutes before I went to pick up his brother. He wanted to know why I didn't take my phone with. He was trying to call me and tell me to pick up some soil. Wha-huh? Now my head is starting to hurt. Did I tell you he also has an eye disease called seeonlywhatiwanna. It is very similar to the brain disease, only it affects his eyes. This is where I pop a couple of pills and tell him he practically had to step over the soil, that I all ready picked up, to get in the back door. His answer...."OH!" This seems to be a universal word, used for many responses at our house.

Anyway, Tanner got to plant his tree. His little brother tried to help him.

In you go!

All done!

No fair! I didn't get to play in the dirt!

Stop trying to make I walk! I don't wanna!


First Time Mommy said...

What sweet pictures :)! Glad to hear Tanner got his tree planted. I laughed when you were talking about what he has been "diagnosed" with...L*O*L! So very true too..not just for Tanner but a lot of men out there (from what I hear anyway...he he) :)!!

Have a GREAT Wednesday!!

Jamie said...

Great pictures. Both those boys are getting soo big, MAN!! I remember when Tanner was Colter's size! Time flies!!

Also, love the picture on your side bar! Very nice!

Lori said...

That is a cute story.
Kids don't forget what they want to remember. HaHa!

Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.

Kerrie said...

LOVE IT! That last picture cracks me up!!

Tracy said...

I was getting concerned with the diagnosis until I went back and read what you wrote again....TOO FUNNY!!