Friday, May 25, 2007

Today is the day


I had to get that out. I feel like a lunatic today. I am so nervous, but also excited. We close on both houses today. I can not keep my brain from going a hundred miles an hour. I wish I had a shutoff switch. I am sure everything will go well, but I still can not help but worry. We close this morning, so I am sure that I will not be doing much sleeping today. I generally do not get enough sleep anyhow, but it has been bad this week. Darn nerves! Lately, I have started to believe that being in a coma may be a good thing.

It doesn't seem possible that this is really happening. The time flew by. I am not looking forward to the actual moving of our belongings, or changing of address & utilities, or living in a construction zone for a while. But I will be so happy once it is done! We have so much work to do to the new house. I am certain that I can find something for all of you to do, if you get bored. It doesn't pay well though, and you can count on getting dirty. The foreman may also be a little bit on edge. You may want to steer clear of her! :o)

You can count on lots of pictures of our progress. Hopefully I don't bore you to death. I don't need a bunch of funerals to attend too.

If I can find some time this weekend or later today, I may do an update on the outcome. If not, here is to all of you have a fabulous weekend!


First Time Mommy said...

GOOD LUCK!! I'm sure everything will go just fine. Can't wait to see all the pictures of the progress..don't worry you won't bore us. I know we all WANT to see pictures :)!

Have a GREAT weekend Miah!!

Tracy said...

Miah, you never cease to amaze me. Everytime I come to your blog...I laugh. Every time. For that, I thank you! Sitting here listening to Caymen over the monitor "spitting" and talking very loudly to herself when she is suppose to be sleeping was getting on my nerves.

Have a great weekend!

Lori said...

Good luck moving.
I can't wait to see pictures of your new home.

Jamie said...

Oh, the fun begins!! Just remember what you get at the end of things!!

Have a great weekend!!

TO BECOME said...

Just take one thing at a time and calm down and enjoy each and every moment. It a hundred years from now, none of it will matter any way. I know things will go very well and the work will all be worth while. Advice from a lady who has lived a long time. Today is my birthday, in fact. So see, I am very connie from Texas