Thursday, May 24, 2007

Disturbed & intrigued

I have found myself wondering once again, who the other ape is in our neighborhood. I have one living with me, but I know he is not the culprit. He is always sleeping or getting in the shower when this happens.

About a month ago, I was on my way home from dropping Colter off at the sitters. As I approached to corner of our block, I saw something in the middle of the road. I soon realized it was a banana peal. I swerved to avoid it, because I didn't want to hit it and spin out like they do in the cartoons. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Yesterday, once again I was on my way back from dropping Colter off and I saw the truck in front of me swerve. I thought they were swerving to miss some road kill. Much to my surprise, it was ANOTHER banana peel. In the exact same spot.

I am a little disturbed by this. I wonder if someone is trying to cause someone to spin out and crash. Thankfully, there is no steep cliff to fall off if someone does fall victim to the banana peel bandit. I am also intrigued. I wonder who is eating a banana at the same time every morning and finishing in the exact same spot. This person must have a very disciplined schedule.

I will have to tell my ape about this. I am sure he would be excited to know their are others like him in the area.


Lori said...

That is a little intriguing. It makes you wonder where/who the banana peels are coming.

First Time Mommy said...

That's funny! Makes you wonder who's doing it...I mean it has to be the same person, right?! L*O*L

I'll have to remember to swerve whenever I see a banana peel. Makes me think of the movie "Billy Madison"...O'Doyle Rules! (hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about..he he)!!

Have a great Thursday Miah!

Jamie said...

Somebody really likes bananas.

Maybe the person throwing out the bananas is the same person throwing out the McDonalds french fries on our road.

Tracy said...

L*O*L Obviously someone likes their bananas!! Don't they know littering is a CRIME?!?!?

Dulcy said...

L*O*L Love the Billy Madison comment! Great movie! Maybe you should hire Inspector Gadget to solve this mystery for you. Just a thought! L*O*L

TO BECOME said...

Miah, Thanks for thinking about me and my family as we have gone through a season of trial. I am so thankful to God for His goodness to us.

I hope you find your banana connie from Texas

A mom said...

Erin~ That is exactly what I was thinking of with the whole cliff thing, but I didn't know if anyone would know O'Doyle's rule. Very funny!

Jamie~ It probably is. Someone should tell them that in no way does a banana make up for eating greasy mcgag's fries!

Dulcy~ I love inspector gadget! What the heck was the name of Penny's dog?

Paula said...

The name of Penny's dog is Brain. Who helped you spell bananas? Gwen Stefani?