Friday, May 4, 2007

For Rent

Bread-smashing husband
Are you the type of person who loves to eat smashed bread? Do you like misshapen buns? Are you too embarrassed to let anyone know your smushy little secret? Then I have got a deal for you. For just $5.00, for every trip to the store you make, you can rent my bread-smashing husband. He will never fail to smash your bread or buns, and you don't even have to tell him. He can even smash bread that is in the bread box, while he sleeps! Trust me, he won't even realize that he has done it. Your secret will always be safe with him.
($5.00 fee will go into the smash-free bread fund, so my family and myself can replace the loaves that have been so graciously smashed by my husband. The fee is really a mandatory donation. Your donation is going to a good cause. You should be very proud.)


First Time Mommy said...

L*O*L! I like to blame the bagger people at the grocery stores for smashing my bread :)! So I'm sorry but I don't need to hire your husband to come and smash ours (but if I ever do I'll keep him in mind) he he!!

Have a great weekend Miah!

Jamie said...

You are a comic!!

I will not need to use your smashing bread husband because I have one w/ a bonus minature version that is called Marissa.

Kerrie said...

That was funny!

TO BECOME said...

I have one of those of my own. He is great at smashing the bread also but I love him what can I say? I have learned to love smashed bread also. lol. connie from Texas