Friday, May 25, 2007

Movie quotes

I thought it might be fun to do a little movie trivia today. I am going give you a list of 10 movie quotes. Lets see if you can figure out what movie they are from. You can post your guesses in the comment box. Have fun and good luck!!

  1. "I'm picking out a thermos for you."
  2. "Littering and....? Littering and....?"
  3. "Popeye's chicken is the shiznit!"
  4. "I'll have two faces."
  5. "Momma says the alligators are ornery because they have all them teeth and no toothbrush."
  6. "Sir, one more outburst out of you and I will strangle you with my microphone wire."
  7. "Shake and bake!"
  8. "I was Joan of Arc in my last life."
  9. "Perhaps you and Larry will join us for the consumption of mass quantities this weekend... we will ignite our new flame pit and char some mammal flesh for you."
  10. "My feelings would be best expressed in a monologue from the made for tv movie Sybill starring a young miss Sally Field."

Gee, can't tell that I like comedies can you?


First Time Mommy said...

Those are great! At our house we quote movies all the time :)! I know a few on your list (like #10). I'll have to keep looking at them thoughout the day to figure more out :)!!

Have a good one!

Kerrie said...

I don't know a single one of them.

Tracy said...

#5~is that um...Billy Madison..oh wait, um...what the heck is that movie called with Adam Sandler? Okay, so I don't have any clue.

Paula said...

1-The Jerk
3-Little Nicky
4-Big Man on Campus
5-The Waterboy
6-the Wedding Singer
7-Half Baked?

Lori said...

I'm not sure about any of them either.
But I love comedy movies.

Jamie said...

Man I am not good at movie quotes but I will try anyway...

3.Little Nickey
6.The Wedding Singer
7.Talladage Nights

Man, those were hard!