Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tag~ Your it!

All though I really enjoy reading these informational tidbits on other's blogs, I am not to crazy about doing them myself. However, something has gotten into me and I decided to play along today. FYI~ I just had a huge craving for some potato skin chips. Just thought you might like to know!

The rules:

I have been tagged by Jamie. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules. At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Here goes nothing.....

1. I have had many friends and people in my life tell me that their first impression of me was dead wrong. Many have said they thought I snob, which couldn't be further from the truth. I have also been told that they thought I was a bully. Once they get to know me, they find that I am a very fun loving person with a heart of gold. I guess I am living proof that first impressions are not always right.

2. I am the youngest of many 1st cousins. All of which are over 40 with the exception of my brother. The oldest being about 2 years younger than my mother. Needless to say, there were never any playmates for me at family get togethers. I had to play with my imaginary friends. :o)

3. Even though it may not look like it these days, I am obsessed with my hair. I do not get it cut very often, for fear that I will not like the way it is cut. I used to shell out lots of cash on expensive hair products, but have not done so since I became pregnant. Your hair has to be healthy, even if it is under a hat!

4. I am apparently very anal when it comes to Colter. My babysitter seems to think that my diaper bag is the most organized one she has ever seen and she has been babysitting for many years. She probably would not think that if she saw my house. If only I could be that organized at home.

5. I am a reality TV junkie. The only fictional shows that I watch are oldies. Seinfeld, Roseanne and occasionally Friends. Other wise, I watch a lot of Court TV, A & E, HGTV, MTV, VH-1, Bravo, History Channel, Rachel Ray, TLC and Discovery. My favorite reality based show is Ghost Hunters on Sci-fi. I am getting very impatient waiting for the new episodes people. It has been six months. Stop pushing back the dates! Oh, I do love movies though!

6. I am very forgiving and try to see the good in everyone. God made us all different for a reason. I understand that we are all human and make mistakes. God knows I have made my fair share. However, if you do something I find very insulting or despicable, I never forget and generally hold a grudge forever. It may be my down fall, but it also takes a lot to get me to that point. I think those of you that know me best would say, you definitely deserved it, if you have made it on to my s*&t list. Pardon the french!! PS~ it is a fairly small one.

7. I am definitely not a picky eater. I love almost everything. The only thing I can think of that I am not a fan of is coconut. The texture of it freaks me out. It feels very strange in my mouth and I don't like it. I love coconut cream, etc. Just not the flakes. Example of food most think is disgusting that I love......sauerkraut. I eat it right out of the can. Okay. I better stop. I am getting hungry here.

8. Yes. I am aware that my blue shoes are hideous and that they do not match my camouflage pants, my bright yellow pants or the very limited other clothes that I am currently sporting. They were very cheap and are very comfy. Believe it or not, I used to be very finicky with my shoe choice. I would not buy anything cheap. The older I get, the more it is about comfort than style. Yikes! I never thought I would say that. Don't get me wrong, I still want to be stylish, but until I start to feel the outside is looking as good as the inside, I am all about the comfort.

I am suppose to tag 8 other people. I am pretty sure everyone has all ready been tagged, but if you have not, feel free to play along.

Have a great Wednesday ya'll!


First Time Mommy said...

Great random facts Miah! It was nice to learn more about you! I too am a BIG fan of sauerkraut (which Jeff thinks is so GROSS)! Good to know I'm not the only one :)!!

Have a GREAT Wednesday!!

Lori said...

Thanks for sharing all these facts about you. It was fun to learn more about you.

I like reality tv shows too. I especially like HGTV.

I probably could also be made out as a snob, but I'm not. I am just quiet and shy until you get to know me...then I will talk your ear off. (Hehe)

I also like almost any kind of food. I like sauerkraut too.

Jamie said...

Thanks for sharing Miah!!

I am with you on sauerkraut...I LOVE IT TOO and I just had it on Sunday w/ smoked brauts!! YUMMY

Tracy said...

You make me smile Miah! Loved reading your list of fun things!! I would LOVE to see your diaper bag! Retarded I know...but true. I thought I was organized...hmmmmm....(giggle)

Dulcy said...

I am also a fan of sauerkraut! I also love love love reality shows like Big Brother, Survivor, Flip this House, and The Real Deal. But I also like City Confidential and American Justice on A&E. Just won $150.00 due to Earl winning Survivor! Damn gambling!